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Anonymous 01/14/2025 (Tue) 16:24:51 1177
(3.25 MB 854x480 1736771145883965.mp4)
criminal/police crashout blacks mass shootings anything with a gun
three for free
(3.28 MB 480x872 1736772033325491.mp4)
u got that
(3.77 MB 480x844 1736772731166494.mp4)
(3.97 MB 854x480 1736772996629469.mp4)
(591.43 KB 256x480 1736773326818924.mp4)
(3.78 MB 932x480 1736774204956862.mp4)
>comparing someone defending his country to a schizo shooting up random people at a strip mall subhuman americans
He fell funny.
(2.94 MB 1280x576 1736788870046385.webm)
(3.82 MB 924x520 1736789082649683.webm)
electric bullet
Random people? Are you fucking stupid? He's defending his country even more so. Death to all niggers and spics.
but they are defending their country
why kind of damage did he suffer? brain damage, broken jaw?
definitely seems like brain trauma. I remember seeing a video of a woman who was waiting in line for a roller coaster and a metal nut flew off the ride as it was passing by, and the nut struck her right in the head. in the video you can hear her yelling out controlled screams almost like in this video but she could actually breathe normally
annoying music
(2.30 MB 854x480 1736803558707784.webm)
>i want you to shoot me >gets shot >dies what was the next plan of his master plan?
>i've shot my mouth out and i must kveech
Agonal Breathing. Its a brainstem reflex, he smoked the curb at an angle, full speed + gravity, he has MAJOR brain damage, possibly a broken neck to go with it. He's a vegetable now.
(2.00 MB 1280x720 1736808733706303.webm)
maybe he thought he wouldnt? or suicide by cop. or mental illness im going to guess all 3
(1.42 MB 848x480 1736811022523754.webm)
>random >people >non Americans ever being correct challenge >impossible Retard you're wrong on both counts as usual.
This was nerve gas
(1.94 MB 640x352 1736812727883446.webm)
This is a bullshit excuse to "justify" actions. You can't just utter like a bitch "stop or i'll taze you" then instantly taze a man in the back. Cops only do shit to cover their own asses, even on bodycam footage. Fuck you America.
Well the stupid fucking cop shouldn't be moving a guy with a head injury, you don't know if it's spinal or what and any movement can fuck things up worse, but make sure his airway is clear. This cop is a fucking douchebag and I hope the same shit happens to him when he's in retirement age I fucking hate America, you're all just a bunch of stupid fucking assholes playing stupid games with real lives.
when the bnwo poster discovers the rekt threads (their gods are being judged by the content of their character) based
Viewing the existence of others as an attack on you worthy of a violent response is a sign of delusional paranoia.
bro he's a nigger who cares lmao?
>niggerlover has a screeching breakdown watching his gods getting buck broken LAMO
whats with the fucking gay ass music? rolling stones may get a pass, but the other shit? ur gay
yeah I'm sure you're from the best courtry with the best govermnment, police, citizens. yep
you should bring this up in your womens studies class
>You can't just utter like a bitch "stop or i'll taze you" then instantly taze a man in the back. actually, they can.
>yeah I'm sure you're from the best courtry with the best govermnment, police, citizens. >yep My friend, the US is one of the genital warts infected asshole of the world. A bunch of fat, stupid fucking plebs all trying to get over on one another. It's shit.
(3.81 MB 848x480 1736822748185406.webm)
Posters will complain about niggers and then type "based" when white man gets killed. A white man who dares to have money in (((someone else's))) world. Really makes you think about who is behind these posts!
horrible editing decisitions, horrible choice in music the rest too but I can't be bothered to (you) every single one
Remember what you just wrote when a muslim paki sand negro rapes you and stabs you to death.
I'll never get tired of watching this webm
Low IQ and very emotional people like yourself I assume
yes very good saar
>Waa I hate America >Gets mad when we kill each other Pick one faggot
(1.18 MB 854x480 1736837109953400.mp4)
why didnt the nigger on the grounds noggin not paint the floor like this? im actually curious, hope any gunfag can expalin
You would have better luck asking on /k/
It depends on about a gorillion of different aspects. >the cartridge, type, grain, etc. >the barrel, the distance, the angle of the shot >but also what is underneath/around the object you are shooting at, or if it was already damaged before Stuff on your mp4 is actually fairly rare, most of the time it's not really that cinematic, especially not with .223.
probably because Gendron was using 5.56 and the guy in the video is using 7.62 soviet (could be ak74 form though). Also it's pretty rare that any rifle shot gets results like that, at least in my experience. more than anything i'd say he just got "lucky"
confirmed insecure homosexual
learn to use memes properly before you use them lurk moar faggot
(3.44 MB 1280x720 1736860554309107.webm)
I legit don't remember if there was a full video of this.
"white man". kikes are not white.
There was. But I don't think there was ever any other video in history of internet that was scrubbed so hard from existence.
