For me it is truly absurd that many men are obsessed with wanting to be
superior males, find volatile and childish women or be beta males who find
pleasure in being beta males by pampering themselves in their softness and
depraving the acquisition of other women's through the alleged broken pride;
But why isn't there a strong line of thought that has had enough of
humiliating others, wanting joy and love, having sex with a healthy body woman
in the dirt in a cheerful way and that she wants you very much? I hate you,
people feed off what they see, and you're creating a narrative. I also hate
you because I want a woman of a phenotype similar to mine. Seeing similar
threads only makes me nervous.
There is no such thing as making me submit to such bullshit, precisely because
I have chosen not to participate in the game of the human ring of the ass-
kicking of the presumptuous or losers even for my humility